About the Artist

Hi! I'm Jess! The artist behind everything here at J. R. Field Studio.

A bit about me. Originally from Michigan, I studied illustration at Northern Michigan University. Since then I've lived all over the place from Kansas to Hawaii to North Carolina. Travelling, experiencing new things, hearing new stories, and exploring this amazing world of ours is a passion of mine. I absorb as much of the beauty and culture as I can from everywhere I go.

As you may be able to guess from my artwork, I'm heavily inspired by the natural world. Plants, animals, and landscapes are my greatest muses interspersed with bits of whimsy and bobs of fantasy. On top of the paintings I do for fun, I also do work for others. Logos, illustrations, custom designs, and commissioned paintings are all a part of my repertoire. I simply enjoy the process of "making." Crocheting, beading, sewing, wood working, floral design, and so many more are all hobbies of mine. 

That's me, Jess Field, in a nutshell. Artist, illustrator, crafter, maker of beautiful things.