It's New Arrivals Day!

It's New Arrivals Day!

October is here and so is a bunch of new art. I spent much of September painting jewelry pieces in preparation for the up coming holidays. On top of my standard metal pendants, I've also added hand cut and carved wooden earrings and oversized wooden pendants/ornaments. I'm very pleased with how everything came out and love the finishing touches on the boxes. They look so cute, elegant, and polished! 

My goal for October is to organize more prints of various works and to get some of the original paintings from the "Blossoms & Blooms" series ready for sale by November 1st. So if you've ordered my cooking book and wonder what my version of a piece looked like or you simply love my watercolor flowers, be sure to come back after November 1st to check those out. 

As always, thank you for your support. It means the world for me! 

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